Join us, alongside your soul sisters, for an extraordinary day of expansion, elevation and transformation. This day promises to redefine your path to success.

What To Expect

As Asian women, we often carry invisible burdens that weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, inhibiting our growth and stifling our dreams.

If left unaddressed this can significantly impact our daily lives and business endeavours.

These blocks, stemming from cultural influences, manifest in various ways:

Lacking confidence

Not stepping into your power or potential

Engaging in constant self-sabotage

Battling feelings of inadequacy despite having the qualifications and experience

Prepare to unravel the layers of cultural conditioning and societal pressures that have been holding you back.

This day retreat will be your sacred sanctuary to:

Embrace your vulnerabilities and transform them into sources of strength.

Shed the layers of self-doubt and insecurity that have been holding you back in your business.

Awaken the dormant power within you and step boldly into your divine purpose and business.

Connect with a tribe of like-minded souls who understand your business journey and support your growth.

Learn game changing mindset and marketing strategies to propel your business to the next level in 2024.

Create a aligned game plan of how to access your next level of expansion in your business.

What To Expect

As Asian women, we often carry invisible burdens that weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, inhibiting our growth and stifling our dreams.

If left unaddressed this can significantly impact our daily lives and business endeavours.

These blocks, stemming from cultural influences, manifest in various ways:

Lacking confidence

Not stepping into your power or potential

Engaging in constant self-sabotage

Battling feelings of inadequacy despite having the qualifications and experience

Prepare to unravel the layers of cultural conditioning and societal pressures that have been holding you back.

This day retreat will be your sacred sanctuary to:

Embrace your vulnerabilities and transform them into sources of strength.

Shed the layers of self-doubt and insecurity that have been holding you back in your business.

Awaken the dormant power within you and step boldly into your divine purpose and business.

Connect with a tribe of like-minded souls who understand your business journey and support your growth.

Learn game changing mindset and marketing strategies to propel your business to the next level in 2024.

Create a aligned game plan of how to access your next level of expansion in your business.

Here's what some of the incredible women who came to the last retreat have said:

Sukhy Khaira

"The retreat certainly met all my expectations and so much more. I really do feel I have removed mindset blocks. I generally feel much happier, more positive, and very determined to take action."

Sharon Dhaliwal

"The balance of Sharn's amazing business mindset work and healing was perfect. Within 24 hours of being there, I was content and felt like I'd got my money's worth! I went away feeling renewed and full of practical ideas to move my business forward."

Tell me, does this sound familiar?

You yearn for success, yet you doubt your worthiness to receive it.

Cultural and mindset blocks obstruct your path to achieving your business vision, including fear of failure, visibility issues, and lack of confidence and self-worth.

You hide behind a facade of confidence, yet inside, you struggle to believe in your own brilliance.

Daily fears of judgment from family, friends, or ex-colleagues lead to invisibility and patterns of self-sabotage.

Instead of taking action, you continually self-sabotage, failing to fully commit to your business and your vision of your dream life.

You fail to tap into your true power, despite knowing deep down that you're capable of more.

Externally, you may appear confident, but internally, you struggle to access the confidence you desire.

You just don’t know the next level mindset and marketing strategies that will propel your business forward.

It's exhausting and disheartening, isn't it?


To truly achieve the success you desire, you must release the cultural blocks holding you back.


Because mindset and healing constitute 80% of success, while systems and strategies make up the remaining 20%.

This in-person day retreat is designed to help you release these blocks and barriers to success.


Our journey to healing...

We understand firsthand the journey of healing and empowerment for your business. Having navigated our own paths, we've unlocked immense potential within ourselves, leading to incredible mindset shifts and transformations:

  • Overcoming scarcity mindset to achieve growing financial abundance
  • Manifesting dream opportunities and experiences
  • Building successful businesses and living purposefully
  • Working through emotions to empower us instead of keeping us stuck
  • Working with our energy to amplify our intentions – energetic empowerment

Exclusive Offerings

This retreat offers an unparalleled opportunity to dive deep into the realms of learning, healing and empowerment, guided by seasoned experts and supported by being in a tribe of soul sisters.

Throughout the day’s journey, you will:

Immerse yourself in transformative workshops designed to unlock your inner potential and unleash your true power.

Engage in soulful brainstorming sessions focussed around content trends and marketing strategy to ignite your creativity and clarify your vision for the future of your business.

Learn about the science of energy shifting and how to use it in your life NOW.

Learn how to release procrastination.

Indulge in a two-course lunch prepared on site.

Participate in hot seating and masterminding sessions, where expert eyes will offer insights and guidance tailored to your unique journey for your business.

Learn about taking care of your energy and frequency and how important it is for the quality of your life experience.

Experience deep energy clearings to release what’s holding you back.

Experience sacred ceremonies and rituals that elevate your energy and frequency, paving the way for profound healing and transformation.

Here's what some of the incredible women who came to the last retreat have said:


"I highly recommend this retreat to anyone looking for a transformative and rejuvenating experience. It was truly a fabulous retreat, and I look forward to attending future events. Thank you to the Sharn and team for an unforgettable experience!"


"The coaching was another level and you really shared openly. You really taught us something new and the healing you arranged was just something else. I felt SO many shifts and walked away feeling empowered and uplifted and like a new me, ready to face a prosperous future."

Juslena Randhawa

"This was the most transformative and healing experience I have ever had. I’ve never been so focused on my goals and never felt better. I met the most amazing women who will be friends for life. I highly recommend and am looking forward to the next one."

Is this for you?

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment unlike any other?

This experience is for you if:

You're ready to shed the shackles of self-doubt and step boldly into your power.

You crave connection with a tribe of like-minded souls who understand and support your journey.

You're willing to invest in your growth and evolution, knowing that the rewards far outweigh the costs.

You understand the power of transformative experiences and how they energetically help you to step into a new chapter of abundance and fulfilment.


Where is the location exactly located?

What time will I have to arrive and leave?

Is there free car parking onsite?

Will my dietary requirements be catered for?

What happens if I need to cancel?

Once you book your spot, we will email you the exact location details. The postcode is SL2 for reference.

Please aim to arrive by 10.00am for a prompt start. We will communicate the exact timings nearer the event so you have plenty of time to prepare.

Yes there is free parking at the venue. Just register your vehicle registration with reception.

Yes! Please do let us know via email – if you have any dietary requirements.

Please note that all spaces are strictly non-refundable and non transferrable.


Where is the location exactly located?

Once you book your spot, we will email you the exact location details. The postcode is SL2 for reference.

What time will I have to arrive and leave?

Please aim to arrive by 10.00am for a prompt start. We will communicate the exact timings nearer the event so you have plenty of time to prepare.

Is there free car parking onsite?

Yes there is free parking at the venue. Just register your vehicle registration with reception.

Will my dietary requirements be catered for?

Yes! Please do let us know via email – if you have any dietary requirements.

What happens if I need to cancel?

Please note that all spaces are strictly non-refundable and non transferrable.